Static website permissions with aws S3 and cloudfront
So you want to host a website?
I’m hosting this blog using AWS and s3 through cloudflare it’s a mix of technology that is useful for me to pick up right now because it’s matured and I like boring technology.
However the biggest issue I faced was inconsistient documentation from AWS relating to permissions so I’m going to note down what I’ve done to help anyone else wanting to do the same thing.
I followed the links here but made some changes that I’ll note along side them
Make sure you set public access as part of this setup Take a note of the URL to access the bucket for the cloudflare part
I’m using cloudflare for my DNS so I translated the section about route53 to the put the relevant values in cloudflare I also chose not to serve over http because it’s becoming more likely to cause errors in browsers and I can get free certificates through cloudflare or cloudfront.
- This is where you can set the permissions on the bucket so that only cloudfront can access it through a wizard. This link is pretty useful to disambiguate which DNS value to set in cloudfront
That was working for the homepage but I was getting persistient errors like this on everything else
So what I found eventually is that you need to grant the read priveledges to something called the S3CannonicalID from your cloudfront distribution which is mentioned in the troubleshooting docs
Here are the steps to correct the ACLs on your bucket objects (files). Replace the sections in curly braces {{}} with the values from the output of your commands from your aws account
Get your cloudfront distribution ID
aws cloudfront list-distributions
Get the canonical user ID for the s3 bucket access
aws cloudfront get-cloud-front-origin-access-identity-config --id {{CLOUDFRONT_ID}}
Set permissions on the bucket for cloudfront
aws s3api put-bucket-acl --bucket {{YOUR_BUCKET}} --grant-full-control id={{YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID}} --grant-read id={{YOUR_S3_ID}} --grant-read-acp id={{YOUR_S3_ID}}
Set the permission on the object
aws s3api put-object-acl --bucket {{YOUR_BUCKET}} --key {{WEBSITE_FILE}} --grant-read id={{YOUR_S3_ID}}
That should get you access via the cloudfront URL. Or your public URL if you’ve configured the domain and SSL etc. As I update the blog I’ll be using the grants syntax with the s3 cp comamnd to set all the oject ACLs when uploaded.
aws s3 cp --recursive {{WEBSITE_DIRECTORY}} s3://{{YOUR_BUCKET}}/ --grants full=id={{YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID}} read=id={{YOUR_S3_ID}} readacl={{YOUR_S3_ID}}